Friday, August 14, 2009

Over Protective and Concerned Moms

I was sitting at my desk and doing my usual coding stuff and heard the lady in the next cubicle talking pretty loud. I did not have my head phones so ended up hearing the conversation. I do get annoyed when people pick up personal calls at work, but this time it was not about that. Do you remember how protective your mom's had been, incase you had forgotten here is a few.
- Making sure you have breakfast before going to school.
- If you are late sometimes she would have run till the bus with you making
sure the driver stops for you.
- If needed pick up a fight with your teacher incase the teacher hurts you.
- Protect you from your angry Dad who is trying to hit you because of your
poor marks or simply because you talked back to him.
- Making sure you put Burnol (Antiseptic) on the wounds you got either from
playing or fighting with your sibling or from a fight at school.

There is more. The point is I was thinking this is the nature of Indian Mothers and to an extent Asian mothers. But this lady today shattered my idea. A simple issue of her daughter going for the volley ball practice. Looks like her daughter wants the same slot as her friend's. So this mom calls up the coach to find out the issue and that slot is fully booked, so she finds out if anything else is available. She is told that a slot during the month end is available. Now she asks him if the friend of her daughter's can move to that slot instead of the one she is currently in. The coach says that should be fine. Now she calls up her daughter, gets her friend's number and calls up that friend. It goes to voice message. She leaves a beautiful detailed simple message explaining it all! She makes sure that, the friend understands the fact that she needs to move to a new time slot to help her daughter. It was awesome seeing it happen from outside.

Of course the daughter would be embarrassed of the fact that her mother is talking to her friend, who cares, she gets to go to the practice now with her friend :). Well I am not judging here but thinking aloud a natural, instinct driven human approach. Be it in India or US or anywhere from this incident I now changed my idea to "All moms are over protective and concerned in their own ways!"

1 comment:

  1. Good observation.. But I must make a point here. This girl will go through a tough time when her friend gets into a different college or class room than hers. She wont be able to handle the fact that she is not going to be able to see her friend every day :) Well, again depends on how old the child is.. From what I see here, the child must be around 10+ age.. she is in for a shocking surprise after her school life :) Everyone whom you met every day is going to scatter off to different parts of the world :) some will meet you on the cross roads, some others may recognize you in a crowd, and some people you remember, would have completely wiped you off their memories :)

    Good post... very practical and nice... still it takes 25+ years in life to learn that new friends must be made each day to live life to the fullest... didnt say forget old friends.. but then cant cling on and see an old friend everyday.. we are not that lucky!!! :)

    I had the experience back in school.. Missed my friend like I cannot explain how much after school. The fact that we get to meet atleast once a year now, makes us feel great :) and we laugh a lot about how we used to miss each others' company in college.
