Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Stop the ADs your Sales will Grow

Yesterday while watching this AD on Yoplait I was really wondering what is with the United States Advertisement Industry. Some of the old time college ADZAPs were really good compared to the best ones here. They have the latest equipments and all kinds of gadgets for movie making, well I guess those do not come out of the Hollywood doors! I know what you are thinking, Should they not review their Ads atleast a couple of times? Ofcourse they do. The problem is they do not realise what is wrong with it. Most of these ADs are boring or reiterating what we already know about the product or teaching us a big theory as if we signed up for a tv-class. Not to mention the medical ADs, either they think it is funny or they think we have all gone to the medical school, but a layman would panic and throw away all the medicines he has ever bought.

Media has evolved and has given us umpty of options that we are used to flipping channels as soon as the AD starts, only few times out of utter laziness to pick up the remote that is few meters away or not able to find the remote or best we are simply browsing and the TV is running as a background music, we leave it to run. Nevertheless even in these few times some of the ADs are so horrible that we take pains to switch the channel. With such Ads everyday what was so different about this AD? This is supposed to be an AD about yoplait being a waist reducer, if it is that good then someone cannot look at a person eating it for a while and say I will loosen your clothes for better fit. No No that is not out of the Box it is Out of the Common Sense thinking. I would say it is the heights of American Ads.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Natural Selection - Inspired by Darwin

Nature always interests me because it is full of unknown principles and concepts.
I was wondering one beautiful Spring morning on the way to work why there are wars on earth among human beings. Is it part of the big plan of evolution? If so, what are we evolving into? In the Jurassic period Dinosaurs were all over the planet and were the most powerful and most evolved of the beasts that existed then. But soon after they became their own enemy and started killing each other and ofcourse nature played its part too leading to the extinction of it.
Coming back to us, are we in the pinnacle of our evolution or is there more? I believe there is more. Nowadays kids are so intelligent and that is because we no longer need physiological evolution but brain evolution. The environment around us is polluted and more diseases are coming up everyday that is because the Bacteria and Virus are evolving and becoming resistant to our drugs. So now we need to evolve into better brained beings to take up this challenge and to merely survive, otherwise a simple outbreak can tear us down and make us extinct, in addition to our own wars. This is natural instinct built in our genes. Isn't that amazing! I wont be surprised if Einstein's become common among our species. Infact it might even become one of our traits.
What triggered these thoughts? Well, I was reading the "Origin of Species" by Darwin - An eye opener for the intelligent species known till today in this universe, Man.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Not a Drug, just a Pain Killer!

Recently there is a lot of talk about marijuana and other drugs that Americans are getting addicted to. A lot of news and debates are around this. Last week in CNN there was a controversial debate on whether it is OK to make this legal and the consequences of it. With all that said I think there are other allowed legal options to get addicted than marijuana in the States. Why would I say that?

Few days back I had sprained my ankle and went to the doctor near by. They examined it and told me that there is no fracture or ligament tear and it is a very bad sprain. I was prescribed an anti-inflammatory drug and a pain killer. The prescription was electronically sent to the pharmacy and I got to see the medicines only when I opened it at home. The count was shocking! I was given 90 pain killer tablets with high mgs and 60 anti-inflammatory tablets. Having one of each once a day put me to sleep for hours and even after I woke up I was so drowsy and was feeling as if everything around me was slow moving. My prescription was to have 3 a day of each. I don't know what effect that will have on me. I am dreaded even to try it.

No wonder the "Prescription Drug Addiction" is over 46% in the US. I even found some sites wondering why this is happening. I think I am clear why. It is a physician challenge some say, really? If a physician gives 15 instead of 10-12 you can say it is a challenge and it is OK, but 90(??##$$). I am sure some cry baby somewhere in the US must have definitely raised this as an issue and it will hit the media when some famous or infamous person gets addicted to this. Till then all I can say is it is better to trash the leftover.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Waiting Time

Most irritable thing for a lot of people to do is waiting. What is the fun in that? Well it depends on the situation I think. Last week in a client status meeting I was waiting along with another colleague and the client manager for my manager to arrive. It was a wait of five minutes but seemed like an hour of silence. It may not be that bad when you are waiting for a friend or a boy/girl friend. I am talking about being on the waiting side not on the coming late side. Which means you do not have a control on the situation. You are anticipating that the person you are waiting on will come any minute.

Once I waited ten minutes and left thinking there is no meeting or I must have mistaken the location. But as I was leaving people came to the meeting :). I am not trying to judge here.. but just thinking on how it feels. I have been late to meetings myself both personal and professional.. Not "fashionably" late but a few minutes and from that side it just feels alright and normal, but on those occasions where I have to wait it is not so much fun. Funny thing is this thought never hits me when I am being late. I would not say this is always the case. For certain parties and locations like the Airport, Railway Station, Townhall meeting etc., I try to be way ahead of time.

Waiting is a pleasure or a pain based on the reason and environment. If it is waiting for food in a restaurant when you are hungry it can be annoying, but when you are not hungry and with a friend you would hardly notice the wait time amidst the chatting. Two different responses for the same stimulus but the environment plays a role here. Again complicated Human brain.