Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Joy Ride!

During the rush hour say around 8:30- 9:00 am, when you get into the Elevator you will find so much of life going on... I generally hop into it in the ground floor and ride up to the 13th floor. Usually there will be 7-8 ppl everyone trying to get to their desks. The most annoying ride will be when all 8 ppl have to get down at 8 different floors (my floor is the last :)). Mostly the 8 ppl will be of 8 different personalities. Very rare to find 2 of the same kind, Yah never will make a poker hand. Someone will be listening to an ongoing status meeting on the mobile headset pressed against the ears. Another will be loud on the phone talking to his/her family across the ocean or answering in a status meeting… whatever it is you will hear every word of it for you to decide.

In a corner will be a man trying to get out of the elevator as soon as it reaches his floor even if it means pushing the person in front, because he would be late for the meeting. Also will be a person who would run to the fair end of the elevator with a laptop, a coffee and may be a New York Times in his hand even if his floor is the next. Another elderly lady in a pink palette with white pearls and a shining smile will be standing patiently awaiting her turn weaving in and out of the elevator letting other people out. There will sometimes be a couple either married or unmarried catching up on the missed discussion in a low voice. The ride could even last up to 4 minutes. I get the feeling of going in a crowded morning train once in a while. If you listen carefully you can catch up on the local town news, on the stock market prices and how stinking the government gets day by day, how they bought a new dog, even about their daughter's first words...oh and the scent of the morning coffee.. so much of information will be thrown at you.

But today I felt lonely. I hopped into the elevator as always but at 7:30 am and got to ride all alone for a min and reached my floor, but I missed the crowd, the chatter, the information especially as the NFL season is here, the world series final is going on and the stock market is turning upside down everyday. And it is the Monday after Halloween weekend! mm… Looks like I got used to, what I felt as an annoyance once!


  1. Well.. seem to have written lot of posts. Good. Travelling 8 floors in a lift requires lot of patience. Good luck.

  2. Oh yah.. wrote a few and thanks for your comments. :) Do visit often Shant!
