Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Taking a hit at Technology is not the solution!

If you are part of any social networking group then you probably know what this is about. Either you received such a post or sent one :), Which post you ask? The one about the benefits if using a bucket of water to wash Vs. Using a washing machine, or a shower vs bucket bathing and the usage of machinery vs. manual labor for agriculture. Well you get the picture.
Now what is wrong with such posts? We all know what is right in them though :). It is a negative propaganda about "Technology". Like many things technology evolves and there is a generation gap in accepting this technology. I will explain it a little more. We did everything by hand the hard way, only then we discovered the stone tools.. evolved to iron age and then to the industrial revolution. This took eons not 2-3 generations... more like 2000 or more generations. There is no agriculture if not for tools, which was the new technology for its time. Technology made things cheaper and easier. What was once a luxury was made available for the masses.
But it does come at a price. Any new technology needs moulding, like a baby. It takes time but making it better will yield a greater good than avoiding it.  You want an example... instead of avoiding cars, make battery cars cheaper. Instead of blaming manmade plastic make organic plastic that is environmentally friendly. Use nature to build the technology and make it better.
The forwards themselves are not bad, but in addition to awareness it spreads negativeness. Instead we should be forwarding messages on the success stories..like coffee cups that are fully paper and how CA cities curbed plastic from its shops etc.  Happy networking!!

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